AmigaActive (1901/2143)

From:Kevin Twyman
Date:29 May 2000 at 22:33:40
Subject:Re: CD-R Audio

Hello Neil,

On 28-May-00, you wrote:

>>>> Is this using the TEAC drive you wrote about?

> It's a very good drive. Noticeably faster than the Yamaha on overal
> CD creation speed, although it doesn't do CDRW.

That's a shame :( I use CDRWs for backup, though the prices of CDRs
are coming down so low that even that may change.

>> I think this is where I've been having problems. I have an Oktagon
>> 2008, and while it is reliable and very easy to set up and use, I
>> suspect it is a bit slow compared to more modern controllers.

> It is relatively slow. As I said, this wouldn't matter much for MP3
> burning, but making data CDs can really hammer the controller, drive
> and filesystem.

Well, I've invested in PFS3, and I bought an UW HD at the Kickstart
show which I've installed this evening, running on a 68 pin cable, so
I should have the makings of a decent CD writing system once I hook
the Yamaha 4416 up to it.

>> One thing I haven't been able to do is to make multi-session CDs,
>> the SCSI bus hangs every time.

> Do you mesan it hangs when you create them, or when you try to read
> them? If the latter, it could be down to the CD filesystem, although
> most support multi-session.

I wasn't able to read them with AmiCDFS, that is now fixed as I've
installed CacheCDFS.

The system hangs when I try to create them, and a re-boot is necessary
to escape from it.

>> I know that MakeCD is your preffered CD burning software - any
>> problems I should look out for when using it with the
>> CyberStormPPC?

> Provided you've got a recent version of cybppc.device (I use 44.67)
> it should be fine. You may want to explicitly enable reselection in
> the early boot menu as the auto setting doesn't always do this even
> though the drive may support it. It handled my CDR OK but always got
> it wrong for my tape drive.

I have cybppc.device 44.69 (took my life in my hand and re-flashed
it a couple of weeks ago )

I seem to have a problem with the early boot menu, though (I take it
you mean the CyberStorm early boot menu?)

It now shows as what I can only describe as a "split screen", and is
unreadable. It worked the last time I looked at it (some months ago)
and the early startup menu works OK. I have a PIV installed. I've no
idea what could be causing it, unless it's something in the latest
flash update.

Don't make me flash the ROM again, noooooooooooooooo! ;)


Kevin - Est. 1949
A man with an Amiga A4000T CyberStormPPC 604e/233

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